Drawings and paintings

Winter landscape

Winter landscape
Painted with gouache in a watercolour sketchbook.

Drawings and paintings

Countryside stroll

Countryside stroll
Painted with gouache in a watercolour sketchbook

Grey and colourless Berlin winter made me want to paint something sunny and colourful.

Drawings and paintings

Rock formation study

Rock formation study
Tiny Gouache painting, 9×9 cm on cardboard canvas

Got new paints yesterday (Schmincke Academy Gouache), and practiced rocks.

Drawings and paintings

Monument Valley

Monument Valley
Tiny Gouache painting, 9×9 cm on cardboard canvas

This was my second go at Gouache. White paint was depleted half way through, so it’s a bit too saturated.

Drawings and paintings


Gouache painting, 9×9 cm on cardboard canvas

This was my first go with Gouache. I like it.

Drawings and paintings

Road to Zaton Dolna

Road to Zaton Dolna
The road to Zaton Dolna, Poland, small watercolour sketch
Drawings and paintings

Blasted Bunker

Ink drawing of the blasted bunker in Volkspark Friedrichshain
Ink drawing of the blasted bunker in Volkspark Friedrichshain, Berlin

Drawn using ink and dip pen. Made on location to practice my hatching.

This is how it looks in reality:

The blasted bunker in Volkspark Friedrichshain
The blasted bunker in Volkspark Friedrichshain
Drawings and paintings

Rhododendron Grove, Tiergarten

The Rhododendron Grove in the Tiergarten park, Berlin

Quick watercolour sketch

Drawings and paintings

Hellsee trees

Trees at the Hellsee in Brandenburg
Some trees at the banks of the Hellsee in Naturpark Barnim, near Wandlitz, Brandenburg.

Drawn with Micron ink pens of varying widths, and with Indian ink and sepia ink (applied with a brush). The picture was made around 8:00 in the morning.

Drawings and paintings

Volkspark Friedrichshain

An alley in the Volkspark Friedrichshain, between the hospital and the first hill
An alley in the Volkspark Friedrichshain.

Located to the left is the hospital; the first hill is on the right.

A quick watercolour sketch, made during a walk in the park.