Drawings and paintings

Finow canal

Watercolour sketch of the Finow canal
Watercolour sketch of the Finow canal

The Finow canal is one of Europe’s oldest artificial waterways, built over 400 years ago.

Schmincke Horadam watercolours in Hahnemühle sketchbook. Some white ink added on top for the water ripples.

Drawings and paintings

Summer at river Odra

On a day in early June at the river Odra.

Drawings and paintings

Winter landscape

Winter landscape
Painted with gouache in a watercolour sketchbook.

Drawings and paintings

Countryside stroll

Countryside stroll
Painted with gouache in a watercolour sketchbook

Grey and colourless Berlin winter made me want to paint something sunny and colourful.

Drawings and paintings

Rock formation study

Rock formation study
Tiny Gouache painting, 9×9 cm on cardboard canvas

Got new paints yesterday (Schmincke Academy Gouache), and practiced rocks.