Curriculum vitae

A listing of Frank’s professional career.

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Curriculum vitae PDFs

Long story short

Professionally, Frank is a software engineer in 3D graphics. His programming experience goes back to 1994 when he started coding with TurboPascal. He then moved to VisualBasic, and later on to C++ and Python.

Frank invented ScoobyCamTools, a Cinema 4D plugin for simulating realistic hand camera motion in 2005. Version 5 was later acquired by Maxon Computer, the makers of the 3D animation software Cinema 4D, in 2011. The plugin was integrated into Cinema 4D, and rebranded MotionCamera. For 7 years, Frank worked for Maxon, making his way up to project manager, technical manager, and senior software developer.

He also invented the Cinema 4D plugins SurfaceSPREAD and SplineSPREAD in 2009, which were acquired by Laubwerk GmbH and are still being sold today. He later worked for Laubwerk as a senior software developer until 2020.

Frank then spent a year developing his latest brain child Terraform4D, an art directable, high-performance terrain generation system for Cinema 4D, which was then quickly acquired by INSYDIUM LTD and rebranded TerraformFX. Since then, he works as a software engineer for INSYDIUM LTD, continuously advancing TerraformFX to new levels of awesomeness.

Before working in the software sector, Frank had many different jobs, including 3D animation and rigging for public broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) and German children’s television channel KI.KA, visualisation for architects, 3D artist training, project management, CAD engineering, and technical drawing for CADENAS Solutions GmbH, web design, and selling liquorice and spices on farmer’s markets.

For a complete list of Frank’s professional career, download his curriculum vitae.

If you’re looking for Open Source Cinema 4D plugins, check Frank’s GitHub profile.